Tuesday, 1 March 2016

New Year's Resolution #1 - Part two

Gosh, February came and went far too quickly and my sis and I almost failed in one of the easiest New Year's resolutions ever made.  Ever!  

No diets or promises to exercise more, no life changing decisions that in reality turned out to be completely unrealistic.  Those kind statistically fated to hammer our enthusiasm and resolve into dust.  Nope.  We chose to drink more.  Yes more, not less.  We thought to diversify our palate.  Indulge once a month in an experiment with homemade cocktails, to follow the recipes on her 2016 cocktail calendar...  And then February just speed past and slipped through our fingers before our busy lives let us get all the ingredients (and our new bullet) together.  I mean, who makes a resolution to actually drink more, and then doesn't do it?

But okay, we only missed by two days and we're going to make it up with March's cocktail on my birthday... 
so anyway here it is:-

February's flavour of the month.


50mls golden rum
Fresh lemon juice, splash
1 pitted frozen mango
Ice cubes, handful

Put it in your blender and blat!

Before I go any further, I'd just like to say, I can count on the fingers of one hand how many different cocktails I've ever had in my life so really while not being a cocktail virgin per se, I'm actually still pretty much of a one and this was my first ever experience with a daiquiri of any nature, mango or otherwise.  With my sister being of a similar disposition, we had little to no idea what to expect.
All I can say is:-

"Good grief! Talk about Amateur."

Our first attempt left us wondering if we were inventing a new alcoholic sorbet.  We had to 'eat' it with a spoon.  Deciding we needed to further experiment we made a 'watered-down' version and attained drinkable success, if success is called an alcoholic slushy.  Maybe that's what a daiquiri is supposed to be.  Something we could have done with on Saturday when our usually temperate weather in Christchurch decided to take a hike and hit us with a 34 degrees C day, enough to make us poor Cantabrian's wilt when we're not used to anything much over 22 degrees, and that's at the height of summer.

I have to confess, and you'll certainly be able to see by the photo that we didn't follow the recipe exactly.  Due to my sister's aversion to mango as a fruit, we opted to use frozen strawberries.  Even so I expected it to be sweeter.  I guess we just looked at the picture and thought 'sweet like juice'.  Shakes head... It's not.  I know this could be considered sacrilege, but next time I think a dash of lemonade instead of pure lemon juice might just go down a treat.

It worked anyway despite the strawberry flavour.  Tongues loosened quickly while sipping slowly on our Rum Slushy and that's all you can ask for isn't it?  A cool sip and frivolous conversation interspersed with little bouts of giggling.  An enjoyable evening was had by all.

The heart, you might ask?  Just because...

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